Otaku Daydreams

Your stop for anime reviews and more!


Zero to Hero Day 1: Introduce Yourself

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To start off the year, I’m taking part in the Zero to Hero challenge initiated by The Daily Post. If you haven’t heard of it, read about it at http://dailypost.wordpress.com/zero-to-hero/ I might be pretty late with this post since the first assignment was posted many hours ago. Apparently, due to the huge difference in time zones, the assignment was posted when I was already fast asleep with my visit to dreamland. Well, it’s better late than never!

Day 1: Introduce Yourself

Now that I think about it, when I started blogging in November last year, I didn’t begin with an introductory post. Instead, I jumped right in to writing anime reviews. Luckily, I have this Zero to Hero assignment to make up for that.

Today’s assignment: write and publish a “who I am and why I’m here” post.

Who am I?

I’m a teenage girl who’s obsessed with anime. Those who see me as a “shy, quiet girl” just haven’t discovered the talkative otaku inside me.

Why am I here?

I started this blog in November when my school holidays started. Since the only thing I was doing was to watch anime, I felt that I should do something else. Having a blog would be good practice for writing. Combined with my addiction to anime, my blog, Otaku Daydreams, was formed.

  • Why are you blogging, rather than keeping a personal journal?

I started my blog as a platform to share my opinions about the anime I’ve watched. However, my opinions won’t mean anything unless I share them with someone. Also, I made this blog so that I can share my opinions with other anime fans instead of spamming the timelines of my poor non-anime fans on Twitter. XD

  • What topics do you think you’ll write about?

I’ll write about the anime and manga I’ve watched. They include both on-going and completed ones. Moreover, I’m currently trying to learn a bit of Japanese, so I’ll share what I’ve learnt in my blog.

  • Who would you love to connect with via your blog?

I would love to connect with other anime fans like me. I’d like to learn about their opinions on the anime I’ve watched rather than just sharing mine.

  • If you blog successfully throughout 2014, what would you hope to have accomplished?

I hope that I will get to know more anime fans who like the same anime as me and make new friends. Also, I hope that I’ll be able to improve my writing and be better at expressing my opinions.

It might be a bit short, but that’s basically my introduction. Hopefully Day 2 of Zero to Hero will bring more fun and improvements for my blog! 🙂