Otaku Daydreams

Your stop for anime reviews and more!


Eleven Answers for Eleven Questions

I received a request from cyanime asking me to answer the questions I gave to those I nominated for the Liebster Award. Hence, here are my answers!

1. What was the first anime you’ve watched?


The first anime I’ve watched was probably Pokemon. I watched it when I was seven so I didn’t know it was anime at that time. I used to think of them as cartoons since I watched them on television. If it wasn’t Pokemon, it would be Digimon. It was so long ago that I’ve forgotten which one I watched first. The first anime I watched in Japanese was K-ON!

2. If you’re stranded on an island, what are three things you want with you?

This is kind of hard. I was curious about what the nominees will answer for this question but I don’t really know how to answer it myself. Hmm, a phone would be useless since there shouldn’t be any signal on an isolated island. Thus, the first thing I want is proper shelter so I can get a place to sleep. Second, I want a book. At least I won’t be bored. Third, I want a knife. It’ll be useful.

3. How did you choose your blog title?

I didn’t want this blog to be limited to just anime, so I decided that since I was already a self-proclaimed otaku, I would use “otaku” in my blog name. As for “daydreams”, I felt that it suits my personality as someone who would love to visit the anime world in daydreams to escape from reality.

4. Do you prefer shounen or shoujo anime?

Despite being a girl, I prefer shounen anime. I feel that shoujo anime are mostly about romance, so it gets repetitive after a while. Shounen anime have more action which I enjoy. They get me hyped up easily.

5. What’s the worst decision you ever made?

It’ll have to be watching too much anime instead of studying. Some anime are just too addictive.

6. What’s your favourite anime opening song?

My favourite anime opening song is Guren no Yumiya (Shingeki no Kyojin OP 1) by Linked Horizon. The song is powerful and matches the pace of Shingeki no Kyojin, and the lyrics are a perfect match for the anime.

7. Is anime or manga better?

I started off an a fan of manga but once I watched anime, I found out that anime is much better, especially for shounen anime. In anime, we can see the action more clearly and there are background music that complements the mood.

8. What’s the worst anime you’ve watched?

The worst anime I’ve watched has to be Amnesia. I was curious about it since the plot seemed quite interesting. However, it turned out horrible. If Brothers Conflict was stupid, Amnesia was even worse. The characters have weird eyes and the main character practically has no personality at all. She seems to be emotionless and expressionless all the time.

9. Why did you decide to create a blog?

Before I created Otaku Daydreams, I used to post my thoughts on Twitter. However, only a few of my friends watch anime, so they might be annoyed whenever I tweet so much about anime. Hence, I decided to create a blog where I could share my thoughts with other anime fans who would want to read my reviews.

10. What’s your favourite food?

Japanese food, especially sushi and udon!

11. What’s your favourite genre for anime?

If you’ve been reading my reviews, you’ll probably notice a trend. I’m interested in a variety of genres, but what ends up as one of my favourites will always be an anime with good comedy. That’s the reason why most of the anime I watch are comedies.

To end off, I’m currently watching Kuroko no Basket (season 1 since I just started) so here’s a funny moment with Kuroko and “Otou-san”!

knb 6


Liebster Award!


I’m honoured to announce that I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award! It’s my first ever award nomination and I was really surprised when I was notified about it. Thank you, Sree! I wasn’t able to blog about this right away because I was busy visiting my relatives’ houses for Chinese New Year, as well as catching up with the anime reviews I’ve delayed.

To accept the award, I have to fulfill these conditions:

– the bloggers that have been nominated must link back to the person that nominated them
– nominees must answer the eleven questions given to them by the person who nominated them
– those nominated must choose eleven of their fave bloggers that have less than 200 followers to answer their own set of questions
– when you are nominated you cannot nominate the person that nominated you
– after nominating your faves you need to drop them a comment telling them that you nominated them

Here are my answers to Sree’s questions:

1. Which was the first novel you ever read?

I’m not very sure, but I think it’s The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke. I read it five years ago and it was a great book with an exciting plot.

2. If you could go back in time and change one single thing you did, what would you choose?

It would be to take Biology instead of Physics for my O Levels. Gahhh that was one horrible mistake I made.

3. If you were stranded on an island with a fictional character, who would you want it to be, and why?

Happy from Fairy Tail? We won’t be stranded anyway since he can fly. Haha. Or if it has to be someone who can’t fly, maybe Rin from Ao no Exorcist. At least he can cook. Those meals he makes look delicious!

4. Do you prefer movies or books?

Books. I prefer imagining what happens in the story instead of just watching it being played out in the movie.

5. If you had to learn a foreign language, which one would you choose?

Japanese! I love anime, so Japanese is the language I’m most interested in right now.

6. What’s your favourite time of the day?

Right after dinner. It’s the time I usually get to use the computer and watch anime. Haha.

7. What annoys you the most?

Loud music. Some people don’t know how to be considerate to others.

8. Pick one – Phone or Laptop?

Phone. Laptops are awesome since they have bigger screens but phones have more functions. Besides, smartphones enable users to use the internet too.

9. What’s the most stupid thing you’ve ever done?

I made an extremely careless mistake in my Maths exam once when I could have gotten full marks. Argh.

10. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?

I’m not an adventurous person, so this is hard. Perhaps it’ll be kayaking.

11. In your opinion, what’s the best thing about blogging?

Blogging gives me a platform to express my opinions about anime instead of spamming random thoughts on Twitter. I also get to know more people who share the same interests as me.

So here are the eleven nominees I’ve chosen:

  1. http://ninetysblog.wordpress.com/
  2. http://caraniel.wordpress.com/
  3. http://formeinfullbloom.wordpress.com/
  4. http://cyanime.wordpress.com/
  5. http://animationanonymous.wordpress.com/
  6. http://faultyreviews.wordpress.com/
  7. http://tentacleactions.wordpress.com/
  8. http://alixithymianized.wordpress.com/
  9. http://rabujoi.wordpress.com/
  10. http://itadakimasuanime.wordpress.com/
  11. http://blindwolfdarbee.wordpress.com/

For the nominees, here are eleven questions you need to answer:

  1. What was the first anime you’ve watched?
  2. If you’re stranded on an island, what are three things you want with you?
  3. How did you choose your blog title?
  4. Do you prefer shounen or shoujo anime?
  5. What’s the worst decision you ever made?
  6. What’s your favourite anime opening song?
  7. Is anime or manga better?
  8. What’s the worst anime you’ve watched?
  9. Why did you decide to create a blog?
  10. What’s your favourite food?
  11. What’s your favourite genre for anime?

I know most of the questions are anime-related, while the rest are pretty random. Haha. Have fun answering the questions!